sam Campbell

Sam Campbell (1895-1962) was an environmentalist, author, lecturer, and documentary film maker.  Sam and Giny were not Adventists, but they were good friends of Adventists. They even attended the church in Clear Water, WI, at times and helped with Pathfinders.

Campbell’s books were profound yet whimsical nature observation—including such beloved children’s classics as A Tippy Canoe and Canada Too and Seven Secrets of Somewhere Lake. In the 1920s and 1930s, Campbell was part of America’s emerging environmentalist movement, forging close friendships with some of its leading figures. He condemned the values of unfettered capitalism, declaring that “we should make a distinction between financial values and real values” and that “The final worth of any investment is relative to its effect on peace of mind.” He believed that peacemaking begins with inner peace. “In the depth of our true being, in love and Godliness and kindness, there resides an undisturbed harmony to which we may easily return.” “Why don’t we fight the thing that causes the trouble and not one another?  Why don’t we fight hatred and fear, selfishness, greed, all the things that destroy human happiness.”
